Freemasonry is a tradition steeped in history, brotherhood, and ritual. Recently, Erdemont Lodge No.5865 witnessed a heartening moment as Tom Quinn was once again Installed as Worshipful Master after 34-years! The ceremony was a poignant blend of nostalgia and celebration, honouring a man whose dedication to the craft spans decades.
Thirty-four years may have passed, but for Tom Quinn, the memories of his first installation never faded. He recalled the melodious voice of W. Bro. Ron Wilson singing the Masters Song all those years ago.
Tom's relationship with Erdemont Craft, Mark, and R.A.M. and briefly with its Chapter has been enduring and profound.  He recounted that he had been fortunate to serve in all the Offices leading to the Master’s Chair and then afterwards an extended period as Secretary (11 years), 2 or 3 stints as Treasurer plus a brief flirtation as D.C.
The move to Hertfordshire in 1991 marked a new chapter in his Masonic journey, opening doors to the vibrant tapestry of London Masonry and he said he was indebted to his many friends from Metropolitan Craft and London Mark who had come to support him.
The year 2025 holds a significant milestone for Tom – a glorious half-century dedicated to Freemasonry. Such a feat is a testament to his unwavering commitment, embodying the values of brotherhood, charity, and enlightenment that Freemasonry upholds. His words were laced with gratitude as he raised a Toast to the Installing Master.
The gathering wasn't just a local affair as several members of Neleus Lodge  travelled to Dartford for the occasion. Tom mentioned that he saw that those members were beaming with pride at how well W. Bro. Kamaran (W.M. of Neleus Lodge) did as Pro Tem S.W. during the Ceremony.
As the evening concluded, the festivities continued at the Festive Board, a time-honoured tradition that bonds brethren over food and fellowship. Laughter mingled with the clinking of glasses, forging new memories while cherishing the old.
Here's to Tom Quinn – a beacon of light in the Masonic brotherhood, whose journey continues to inspire and uplift all who walk the path of Freemasonry.